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  主 题: Putin's song of MaYuFeng. - 已阅:1811 / 回复:0(楼主)

Putin's song of MaYuFeng. -

Mr Putin, Mr Putin, you have extraordinary wisdom, you have great smart!

Mr Putin, Mr Putin, you are idols, you are the star.

You are the universe of the brightest the star!

You are the hero elite mankind.

You are Russia tegus forest blue elves.

You are the most beautiful Russia sets conditions in the child.

You are the most fascinating Russian canvas amorous feelings.

You are the most delicious Russian bar of cookies.

You are xanadu of fantasy wonderland.

You are the blue sky forever the eagle soar.

You are Russia vast land most loyal guards!

I love you, vladimir putin. :

You will always be the world's most beautiful scenery,

You are always the universe's most dazzing star!

The copyright owner: MaYuFeng 0459-6760054

作者:马玉峰 (2011/1/9 18:02:41)   回复此贴

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